Enjoying a coffee and reading the newspaper is great, but have you tried coffee and memes? It’s a combo sure to kick-start your morning with total LOLs, and put a smile on your face.
We’ve pulled together our favourite coffee memes so grab your frothy Barista Blend brew, put your feet up and check them out below, we promise you’ll like them a latte.
Make sure you give us a follow @almondbreezeaus and @baristasforbaristas where you can enjoy more memetastic posts plus much, much more!
Anyone else?
Just sayin'

Hands up if you're in the 'excessive caffeine' club.
At least the intention was there.
That's a big N-O.
We've peer-reviewed the research, it's correct.
We'll never forget the password.

Mission accomplished.
Our least favourite of the shapes family.
Hear, Hear.
We're all about compromise, but not when it comes to coffee.
We're not joking.

We like big cups and we cannot lie.